Building Integrity Institutional Enhancement Course: Human Resources Management (BI-HRM)

In cooperation with
Centre for Integrity in the Defence Sector (CIDS) - Department Head for the Building Integrity Discipline and NATO International Staff - Requirement Authority for the Building Integrity Discipline

ETOC Course Code BIT-BI-25676
Eprime course code ACT.888
Course duration one week
Frequency once a year
Class size Maximum number of students per Iteration: 24 (addresses NATO partner countries and all countries taking part in the BI Self-Assessment and Peer Review Process.)
  • Civilian and military personnel in defence institutions working with integrity and policy development, including decision making related to Human Resources Management
  • civilians occupying similar positions in civilian organizations.

Course goals:

  • The course aim is to provide insights that will inform efforts in the defence sector, consistent with the NATO Building Integrity (Bl) Policy and promoting integrity, transparency and accountability related to Human Resources Management.

Language qaalification:

  • English language proficiency as described in STANAG 6001-2222
    (listening (fair/2), speaking (fair/2), reading (fair/2), and writing (fair/2).

Course description:

  • The course provides a broad introduction to the principles and standards of international conventions and other agreements that regulate a modern and efficient HRM system in the public sector, including the Armed Forces. These principles and standards provide public servants with protection from abuse of political power or other positions of authority and include recruitment of personnel, promotion, remuneration, etc. Such a meritocratic public service, based on transparent rules, competence, accountability, and independent judgment, represents a prerequisite in a modern democracy characterized by the rule of law.
  • The course emphasizes two dimensions of public HRM systems: institutional and managerial aspects. The former regards the role of public officials in protecting fundamental values in a political system, like democracy, individual rights, the rule of law, and the public interest. To promote these values public officials are obliged to be loyal to the government of the day but, at the same time, to be impartial, politically neutral and professionally independent. The managerial aspects cover mainly economic-related concerns of good governance in the public sector.

Learning objectives:
Upon the course completion, the course participants will be able to:

  • Understand what constitutes Integrity Building in the wider perspective and context, according to internationally recognized standards for best practice;
  • Understand the relation between having a professional public service and reliability of defence decision making and be able to discuss this in a good governance context;
  • Understand what constitutes Attitudes, Ethics and Leadership (AEL) in an institutional perspective – case study Norwegian experience;
  • Understand reasons for when competency reform can be needed in the defence sector and what objectives could be met. Case study from a NATO nation;
  • Be informed about and ready to discuss the main international principles and standards that guide how civil service and public administration impact defence sector HRM systems;
  • Understand the components of the legal framework for a good practice public administration in which defence institutions are a part of;
  • Understand in what areas HRM tools are used, what these tools can constitute and how they are practiced in the defence sector;
  • (TBD) Understand what oligarchy means, how this system nurtures corrupt behavior and consequences for HRM.